Fit4Life Events and Helps

I've placed a few of the links that I have found useful off to the left. Also I have a calendar at the bottom where I am filling in possible Fit4Life Events :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Interested in Joining Fit4Life REAL Women?

Please take this brief survey so that we can get to burning those calories together!! I am so excited for this new season of fellowship through fitness! Thanks all
Click Here to take survey

Monday, March 23, 2009

Cardio/Strength Training

I ran across this article on the benefits of resistance training:

Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. conducted a study in which 72 over weight individuals participated in an eight week exercise program. The participants were placed in two groups. The first group performed 30 minutes of endurance exercise on a stationary cycle. The second group performed only 15 minutes of exercise on the stationary cycle plus an additional 15 minutes on weight resistant exercises. At the conclusion of the study, the "endurance only" group lost a total of 3.5 lbs.; 3 lbs. of which was fat and a half pound was muscle loss. On the other hand, the "endurance and weight resistive" group lost 8 lbs. with an actual fat loss of 10 lbs. and an increase of 2 lbs. of lean body weight.
(8 week program, 72 over weight individuals)

Personally I have noticed a difference on the weeks when I just do cardio or I just do strength training. The two go hand in hand. When I do strength and cardio I get much better results (and of course eat enough and drink enough water). Yes I did say eat "enough". When we don't have enough fuel for our body it slows down our metabolism. Just like when we don't have enough fuel in our vehicles they will slow down. :) My goal this week is to continue to drink my water, eat enough of healthy food (not junk) and do cardio/strength three times this week. Tues @ 5 at Los Alamos Park, Thurs @ 5 at Patricia Birdsall Park (by Great Oak HS), and Saturday @ 10 at Harveston Lake.

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me!! (Philippians 4:13)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Fit 4 Life" is important to me...

It is so amazing to think about the way that God made us. One little cell is formed and we grow into this living, breathing, thinking, feeling being. The more I learn about how our body functions and the more I apply that knowledge, the more I am in total awe of my Creator. I want to take care of this body that He has given me, I don't want to take it for granted (any more) and I want to honor Him completely.

I have been so ignorant in the past. I have tried so many diets and pills, even combined with exercise to lose weight. Nothing worked. I never really had any energy to even try. I was tired all the time. Once I made that decision to take care of my body, for me, my God and my family (not just a quick weight-loss) then I started feeling better and even started losing weight. Go figure.

The biggest areas of my life that needed adjusting were:
Stopped trying to tell myself I had no time to exercise or plan a meal. Weird how I had plenty of time to watch my favorite shows?
Taking the time to increase my body’s metabolism by doing cardio, strength training, getting 8 hours of sleep, making sure I drink plenty of water and taking the time to fuel my body with the right foods.

Thanks to a group of friends at church who decided to get together and work on our diets together, I was able to see the really, really wrong choices I was making with my food. We were doing Weight Watchers and I am forever grateful for what I took away from there. It is so much easier for me to say no to things now because I don't want to "waste" my points or calories on that! I wish I would have known 4 years ago that you can do Weight Watchers when you are breastfeeding.

It got so fun for me to go find cheaper “points” foods to eat instead of that junk. Then once I started eating better (basically cut out processed food), I stopped craving as much and had more energy and my arthritis even got better. I was eating more quantity of food, better quality and losing weight...then I finally started exercising and the weight started to come off even faster which encourages me to keep going. Now when I have a weak moment and eat one of the foods I used to live on (hershey bar every day almost), I don't even like it anymore. Well, maybe just a bite :*

I am so grateful to my friends who offered help, encouragement and prayer. The best way I can think to repay you is to pay it forward. So that is my goal with this blog, to have a tool using the best info that I have available to me to help empower our women to be Fit 4 Life - Emotionally, Spiritually as well as Physically.

I have some amazing women who are going to help make this a centralized location for health tips, we're going to get an exercise group going at the church (just us women watching our fav exercise videos together at church), and getting groups together for doing fun activities such as a 5K or even a half marathon or full marathon. These have small entry fees but they are benifitting good causes like cancer research or children's hospitals, etc. They sound intimidating but I have friends who have walked them. I also have a personal trainer who is willing to come and do a free workshop for us once a month!

I am still a work in progress. What better way to reach my goals than to recruit others to join with me! I am so excited. This is going to be great!